Monday, October 5, 2009


My sister-in-art Lee Hynes from Australia sent me the most wonderful gift last week! I consider myself pretty up to date on new "gadgets" but this one was a new one on me. Lee sent me a POLAROID POGO (Click HERE to see it).

I had never seen this before. It is a portable printer that prints picture in a 2x3 size - perfect for journals!!! It doesn't require any ink cartridges because the paper brings the ink on it!! (Remember the old polaroids?). You can attach it to your camera or your phone! Basically, with this wonderful toy, wherever you are you can print a picture and put it in your journal! (Did I tell you that the pictures are adhesive!!!). It's the best gift I've ever gotten and I can't tell you how flattered I am that Lee sent it to me! She even said it's something she wants desperately - and instead of ordering it for herself she ordered it for me! Can I tell you how wonderful that makes me feel?????

I am blessed to have the friends I have!


  1. Elena, that is SOOOO wonderful! The gesture and the machine! wow..... I would love to have one of those too!!!
    You are also VERY, VERY giving....
    Luv ya and miss ya!

  2. I really want one now!
