Sunday, February 20, 2011

Charlie's struggle

Charlie was taken to the emergency room today. The withdrawal symptoms were severe and he developed a rash all over his body. The detox center immediately took him to the emergency room as a precaution. Charlie asked them not to call me. That he would call me himself when he could so that I would "not freak out".

He called me a few hours later. He sounded weak and tired. I think he himself is shocked at how bad his addiction had gotten.

As unbelievable as it seems, I don't think Charlie ever saw himself as an "addict". Others were addicts. The homeless junkie, the people who could not function. He was not an addict in his mind - he just enjoyed "partying"- he did it because he wanted to not because he had to. I think - I hope - that he is looking at himself in a mirror of honesty and truth. As painful as that might be, it's what he needs to see.

He kept telling me he is okay. "Mom?". "Yes honey?". "How did I do this to myself? How did I get here?". "I don't know baby. But you are working to fix it.". "I love you mom.". "Love you too baby."

-Posted from Elena's iPad


  1. I truly don't know what to say other then hang in there and be strong. For yourself and for Charlie.

  2. My heart and prayers are with you both. Hold on to God.... He loves Charlie more than you do. Love you my dear friend.

  3. Bless his heart!!..and yours too!! Prayers for all of you!

  4. Elena,
    I have just read all your recent posts about Charlie. You have all my positive energy directed to him here in CA and for you too, mama bear.
    He is a cutie and he looks like you! You should write your book because you have a way with words, girl. Your family is strong and you can support each other along the way.
    Lots of love,
